April 11th, 2024
Runs weekly for 8 consecutive weeks
A Daily Practice To...

Email us at: [email protected] for any questions surrounding this program.
or fill out the questionnaire below and we will get back to you as soon as possible. Inquiry Form here
Your FIRST step is to develop a deeper connection to your Chakaura™ Power.
Begin the journey of manifesting consciously your Chakaura™ Energy here on earth and begin mastering your MIND with that energy.
- A 8-week ONLINE Facilitated Live 30-minutes a week training program taught by Michèle herself, founder and director of Chakaura™ Institute of SOUL
- Email and facilitator support throughout as well as educational science based videos to help you to understand the progressive science Chakaura™ teaches in order to support you in developing a new paradigm of understanding and control over your Mind. Begin Bridging the Gap between your inner and outer worlds. This is where you can truly become the master of all your life and create the life you wish fuelled by the greatest power on earth; your Chakaura™ Energy
Format and details:
- 8 consecutive Weekly ONLINE LIVE ZOOM ; you will learn a tool weekly that you will practice daily
- You will need a private room where you are not disturbed with a standing station.
- You also have a daily short progress questionnaire to help us better support you along this journey
- We ask 100% attendance; exceptions can be made with the office.
- Non refundable, non transferable
- Terms and conditions agreement to be signed; Follow this link to view.
Step 1: Follow the link below and fill put our Program Application Form.
Chakaura™ Program APPLICATION FORM/ Terms & Conditions
STEP 2: You will receive an email welcoming you to the program with a link provided to this page to then proceed to your course payment which is here on this page. (check your inbox and your spam in case ) Our acceptance email can take up to 72 hours since we are not robots and do everything live).
Once your payment is received, you will receive a second email with all the needed information to follow and complete this amazing step 1 of your journey with Chakaura™.
- For a 10% savings, we also accept under certain circumstances USDT Crypto altcoin as mode of payment. Email us at [email protected] for the details.
- For a 10% savings, we also accept international money transfers to our international banking account. Email us at [email protected] for instructions.